Who Am I

The focus of my work rests on the central idea that we choose our behaviour and we are responsible for what we do, think, and feel.
This led me to design the “Inner Behavioural Blueprint” model which explores human behaviour and how to create change, because in essence, “Change Begins Within”. This will then assist to shift focus to Choice and Choosing and begin this journey starting with 3 simple little words:

Who am I?

My name is Nadia Thonnard.

  • Counselling Graduate from The South African College of Applied Psychology – Diploma Couns.& Comm (SACAP)(CHE)
  • Certified CHOICE COACH Academy of Choice
  • Certified Divorce & Family Mediator
  • Basic Intensive Training in Choice Theory and Reality Therapy (William Glasser International)
  • Treasurer – ACT SA | Association for Choice Theory South Africa
  • Executive Administrator to William Glasser International (WGI) Executive Director

I am a qualified Counsellor, Choice Coach, and Family & Divorce Mediator.

I have been in this field of work since 2009 and have a passion for guiding individuals back to their authentic self. I ventured on a career change into applied psychology at age 42, and graduated with a Diploma in Counselling & Communication from the South African College of Applied Psychology (SACAP). I also qualified as a Family & Divorce Mediator, and furthered my knowledge with a Basic Intensive Training in Choice Theory, Reality Therapy and Lead Management (William Glasser International).

I have grown up as a “Third Culture Kid”. I was born in Lebanon to Belgian Parents, grew up in Paris, finished my schooling in London and eventually moved to Brussels at the age of 20. I am now settled in Cape Town since 1996, so I do know what it is like to feel “lost”, to not belong to a particular place and lack a sense of self.

I often feel like a tumbleweed, drifting along with no roots.

Life has a funny way of teaching us what we truly need, even when we’re not ready for it. For me, that lesson came when I got divorced. I wasn’t prepared for the emotional roller coaster that followed, and it forced me to confront a question I’d been avoiding my whole life: Who am I, really? At 42 years old, I began a journey of self-discovery that completely shifted my perspective. Up until then, I’d believed that my life was shaped by circumstances outside my control, that I didn’t have real choices. But through the ups and downs, I realised something profound—my life was the result of my choices, even the ones I didn’t think I was making.

That realisation catapulted me into the most incredible journey of all: meeting Me. Not the version of me shaped by others’ expectations or the one trying to tick all the boxes of what a “good” life should look like, but the real me—the one with dreams, needs, and a deep desire to live authentically. That’s when I understood I didn’t need to change myself; I needed to work on being myself. It was about reconnecting with my inner motivations, listening to what truly mattered, and choosing to align my life with the person I already was.

And that’s why I’m passionate about this message: To stop working at Changing yourself and start working at Being yourself. When we stop chasing the idea of who we “should” be and start embracing who we are, life opens up in ways we never imagined. It’s not always easy, but trust me—it’s worth every step.

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