Parents can go to great extremes to protect their children, and why wouldn’t they?

Having children means, caring for them, supporting them, protecting them, guiding them and making sure they have the best life they can possibly experience. This however can become a great challenge when parents are going through a divorce.

What both parents once took as a normal thing to do together becomes grounds for arguments, fights and disagreements.

Unless your divorce is based on grounds of physical abuse and direct danger to the children who need to be protected from the parent for safety reasons, it is important for parents to acknowledge that YOU are still the same parents you were before the divorce.

The changes necessary for your family to adjust to the divorce should remain with the mindset that your roles and responsibilities continue to be the same, only your circumstances are changing.

Your children are part of each of you and cannot be split in half to accommodate you. They are whole and cannot be subjected to simple equations of division or subtraction.

Just remember. Your situation is changing. That is hard enough for the kids. You, the parents are the same people before, during and after the divorce.

Keep being your kids parents within your new situation.

~ Nadia Thonnard

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