Each year on February 14th, many people around the world exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers with their special “valentine” to celebrate the love they have for each other.
The day associated with romantic love dates back to the 5th century, when the tradition of “courtly“ love flourished.
St Valentine’s day, though, has become a date apprehended by many who have gone through or are going through a relationship breakup and fear spending this time alone.
So, how do I deal with Valentine’s day alone?
The thought of spending Valentine’s Day alone can be depressing and being told that there are millions of people who are in your same position is not a rationalisation that necessarily will make you feel better.
So how to deal with this day where everything around you reminds you that you don’t have that “special someone” in your life.
First of all, it’s not true. Love is all around you. It doesn’t have to be about one person. Make a mental list of all the people who mean something to you. Whether family, friends, colleagues, or that new person waiting to pop into your life. You are loved. Simply, truly and unconditionally.
It’s just a date. Really. It’s just a date like yesterday and tomorrow. Sure people talk about it and plan for it, but there are plenty other dates who mean something to other people and don’t mean anything to you. So why should this date if you have no reason or wish to celebrate it.
Focusing on what you lost blinds you from seeing what you have gained. So instead of remembering times when you were together, think about what you have now even it means rebuilding much, you always have a starting point.
And last but not least, embrace being single. Yep. Really. Being with someone is not everything. It may be scary, but think of the things you never did, or couldn’t do, because of the relationship you were in. Do them now, even if it means the very cliché eating ice cream in your PJs in front of the TV!
So, what are your plans for February 15th? 😉
~ Nadia Thonnard